本篇文章用友好生意进销存官网要给朋友们带来的是库存管理软件如何翻译,以及库存管理 翻译相关的内容,希望对大家选型进销存软件有所帮助。
Reaserch on Related Issues of VMI
The stock receives the esteem as the production and the expense safeguard's important means. Speaking of entire enterprise physical distribution system's each link, cannot leave the stock. In the physical distribution management defines “the stock” like this: Refers to all present idles, will use in the future, will have the economic value resources.if but the reserve oversized will have the very serious influence to the enterprise, therefore in the article will start from the stock, the gradual showing stock management's important meaning, and introduced some commonly used stock management means that for example: ABC stock control method, regular ordering law, quota ordering law, zero stock management method and so on. the overseas many enterprises start to face up to the inventory control to their major impact, and already sought to suits their enterprise own management. the hope can let our country's enterprise through this paper also start to face up to this major issue, the union enterprise own seeks for one kind to belong to own stock management method, raises enterprise's economic efficiency.
进销存管理系统=Sales Invoicing management system
库存管理系统=Inventory management system
仓库管理系统(Warehouse Management
库存管理系统 inventory management system
库存管理制度 ock control sy stem; stock control system; inventory ....
系统的库存管理 systematic inventory control
统计库存管理 statistical inventory control
行之有效库存管理制度 effectively administered inventory control system
库存管理检查规则程序 test rules for inventory management (TRIM)
库存管理模拟程序 inventory management simulator
库存管理信息系统 formation system of inventory control; information system of inventory contr....
库存管理;材料需要量计划 material requirements planning
“出库”,“入库”,“盘点“,”调度” 英文: Ex-warehouse, be put in storage, take stock, manage
manage 读法 英 ['mænɪdʒ] 美 ['mænɪdʒ]
v(动词). 管理;调度;做成;设法对付;提供;有空
1、manage economically 经济办理
2、manage effectively 有效管理
3、manage governmentally 行政管理
4、manage honestly 经营作风正派
5、manage humanely 处理仁慈
3、manage表示“做成”“完成”时,前面不能用can或could; 表示“使用”“享用”“吃”时,前面可用can, could或be able to。
1、manage incompetently 不合格地管理
2、manage ingeniously 灵敏地控制
3、manage judiciously 明智而审慎地管理
4、manage peremptorily 断然处理
5、manage politically 政治处理
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